The director duo Raj Nidimoru & Krishna Dk surprised me the first time with a timely '99' which became the only movie to survive during the distributor - multiplex battle which happened two years back. And now they have come up with another film which looked like a serious movie on Mumbai and its underbelly, But Raj and DK surprised me once again with a film which can easily be the most entertaining movie of this year(atleast till now).
The best form of entertainment is when you feel that you have seen a sensible movie and you thoroughly enjoy it too. And Shor does it both with elan.
Technically the movie is quite good with sensational music and bg, decent cinematography and natural art direction. The movie is a winner thanks mainly to the exciting and happening screenplay, stories which sees the irony in almost all walks of life and brilliant performances. The 'Heroes' fame Senthil, has indeed grown well as an actor as he emotes well and suits his character perfectly. Tushaar is believable (for once). Nikhil Dwivedi and Sundeep Kishan work through their characters with ease. Amit Mistry who was remarkable in the director duo's first work was excellent in this as well. But the honors for the acting department is snatched by a lesser known actor called Pitobash who steals the show in every single scene he comes in. An actor to look out for!!
Stop complaining about lack of good movies in bollywood and go watch this movie. A treat to all..
Stars - 4/5
Intelligent entertainment!