Welcome back everyone for the next round up for this years oscar's. Feeling that two movies wont be enough to catch up to the oscars this time we are going to analyze three probables and as usual one goof up and one Razzie favorite.
Lets get on with it (exams are nearing so all of you gets pardoned from all the superficial things which i would have written in the name of introduction)
Rachel getting married
The man who gave us the heart wrenching Philadelphia and the spine chilling Silence of the lambs, Jonathan Demme has come up with this movie. "Rachel Getting Married" is a drama with an aggressive sense of humor about the return of an estranged daughter to the family

home for her sister's wedding. Kym's arrival brings lot of chaos in the family but the return of this dysfunctional kid from Rehabilitation would not just teach Kym about the importance of family but the whole family about family values. This trip is sure to bring in a smile on your face. The movie has a shot in the best original screenplay, Best director and Best Film but what seems to be a sure shot is the statue for the Princess herself, Anne Hathaway. She has already bagged the best actress in the National board of Review awards and with the Golden globe right around the corner there is a possibility she can sweep all the Awards. All the very best Anne.
Oscar Chance – 75%
Watch the trailer here
The Dark Knight
This Christopher Nolen directed masterpiece is no ordinary tale of a masked vigilante but the movie which showed how a blockbuster movie should look like. The darkest Batman movie ever n

ot only collected a record 158 million dollars in the first weekend which led to the staggering figure of 530 million in US alone (and counting) but reaped in 460 million worldwide to bring it in inching distance from the one billion mark. The summer blockbuster brought in the oscar buzz even before the movie released, for the late Heath ledger's portrayal of the deadly Joker. The buzz indeed proved worthy as the Heath ledger's version of Joker has gone down in the books as one of the all time best performance by an individual donning a negative role. But the movie is not gonna stop at that, but this masterpiece of a movie by the classy Christopher Nolen is sure to get a few other nods too, which includes Best sound editing, Best sound mixing, Best Film, Best director, Best editing and Best cinematography. If anyone has not seen the movie yet, please do yourself a favor and go rent the dvd in a shop near you as its one of the best movies of 2008 and hands down the best super movie of all-time.
Oscar chance – 70%
Curious case of Benjamin Button
Now for the biggie, a sure shot to the Oscar this year. A fantasy movie by a director who has made name for f directing thrillers. Imagine David Fincher the man who gave us Seven, Fight club and Zodiac coming up with a movie like Benjamin which looks more like a movie

which would interest Tim Burton. But the oscar buzz is over the roof, the trailer looks damn interesting and the people who had the opportunity to get a sneak peak cant stop talking about this sensation of a movie. The movie has already been selected as the top ten films of 2008 by the National Board of Review apart from winning the Best director and Best adapted screenplay awards. The movie can expect the record number of nods but are favorite to win the Best film, Best director and Best make-up.
Oscar chance – 100%
Watch the trailer
Oscar has taken many unpredictable decisions and one of the many blunders came in the year 2001 when one worked

for more than a year to act in a role which got him all the awards in the book and was so certain to win the Oscars too. But Tom hanks and his mono act in Cast away was beaten by Russel crowe for his grim performance in Gladiator. The role as the Gladiator didnt expect much from the actor as he just have to look stern and do cry in one scene when compared to Tom hanks where he has to redefine all the emotions written in the book to act as the Fed Ex supervisor and a good friend to a basketball. But the very next year Russel Crowe did understand the pain Tom hanks went thru the previous year which will be discussed next time.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
Raja Gosnel does it again, making dogs talk, making a pathetic movie and still making it

a hit. Kudos. But making it gross 92 million dollors in US itself doesnt give it respite from the critical eyes of the Razzie masterminds. The movie is considered the worst and by getting a meagre 2.3 rating in the IMDB list it places itself in the 95th position in the all time worst movies which is good enough for this year's worst director and worst movie awards. After the Scooby doo series and its stint at the razzies I am quite startled at how Raja got Disney to nod for this pathetic movie. Disney might have got more than what they have invested but its reputation has definitely gone for a toss.
See the trailer here
Coming soon – Part 3
good goin harish.. keep it u.. :)
will read it aaramse.. n let u knw buddy!
russel crowe deserved the oscar for gladiator!! wht class! tht wasnt an easy role by any means. remember, colin farell sucked as alexander...
btw, denzel is god in training day! so even he deserved it. A beautiful mind is a great movie, no doubt. initially, even i felt that Crowe shud have won but then after watching training day a few times, i feel denzel was better.
What crap?? I do understand that Russel crowe in Gladiator and Denzel in Training were good but Pls dont compare it with Tom hanks work in Cast away or RC's Beutiful mind
Hi Harish,
A friend of mine had given me your blog site and i guess it's worth it. I agree that the Curious Case of Bejamin Button is going to find it's name in that nomination list, as well Slumdog Millionaire (This year's Juno and Little Miss Sunshine). Also on that list would be the movies Doubt and Milk. Both these have complicated characters and controversial topics and not forgetting stellar actors like Meryll Streep and Sean Penn.
About Rachel Getting MArried I guess it should snag a Best Actress for Anne HAtheway, otherwise I don't see this movie figuring out in the big nomination.
One movie I would love to see in this years winners list would be the Dark Knight, which is by far the best thing that has come out of Hollywood this year. However, according to me, the movie would face stiff competition from itself and the academy voters. The voters need to look beyond the notion that this is a superhero movie (which superhero movie has ever been nominated for the big one). If the voter can overlook this block...there is nothing stopping the movie from getting nominated in those big categories. If it was upto me I would be placing the statue on Heath Ledger's grave right now.
So here my predictions for the Oscars (Nomination):
Picture - Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, Milk, Doubt, Slumdog Milionaire...possible - Dark Knight, Frost/Nixon
Actor - Brad Pitt, Mickey Rourke, Anthong Lapgella
Actress - Meryll Streep, Anne Hathway...possible - Angelina Jolie
Support Actor - Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Robert Downey Jr, HEATH LEDGER
Support Actress - Amy Adams
By the way I totally agree Tom Hanks so deserved the OScar over Russell Crowe. But then the Oscars are mpt always known for getting it right.
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